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Hennepin County Website

Hennepin County | Launched 2013

Hennepin County had a short eight-month window to re-design, re-build, and launch the main County website. High Monkey brought together a coalition of Sitcore CMS, Coveo Search, and Atomic Data (web hosting) to meet the County’s aggressive timeline. High Monkey coordinated the efforts of these vendors while doing the build out of the website in Sitecore and the integration of Coveo Search.

Project Scope

Our Approach
High Monkey built out the functionality of the new County website using custom .NET controls to render pages using a modular approach allowing content to be stored in different formats and displayed in different ways. This methodology provided the County with a reusable template that both allows for customizations while retaining consistency for County website layouts and a modular approach for managing content. The project included extensive functional and ADA compliance testing on the new website for both desktop and mobile devices. 

Hennepin County Website Highlight